• July 19, 2023

Start Internet Business Opportunities – How to get started

I decided to put together this report so that people can get started quickly when they decide they are going to jump into the home business arena. Too often, people get paralyzed by analysis paralysis, or worry about the little details instead of just jumping in and doing something, whatever it takes to make their business work. This is dedicated to those people who would not help anyone but themselves. It is dedicated to those people so that one day they will learn that what you receive is equal to what you give. I am going to give you 5+ things you can do to market online and offline and build your business. So the key here is to gather and create your own momentum. A stone that rolls does not accumulate moss.

The keys to success:

Highly successful people have 2 common characteristics, they are 1) action oriented, they act when they see a great opportunity, you have this or you wouldn’t be reading this right now 2) they are education oriented, they want to learn as much as they can so they can be successful, you have this or you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

A recent study showed that a group of college students were asked to set goals for their future career and achievement. More than 90 percent of the people who wrote down their goals and committed to those ambitions actually succeeded. While only 4 percent of students who didn’t write down their goals actually achieved what they set out to do in their career.


Brand page or “Who is” page:

The brand page or “who is” page allows your potential customer to feel like they are getting to know you without you having to talk to them yet. Think of it like a personal sales letter. This page is selling you! It can be a “who you are” page or a “your name” page. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you tell about yourself, your experiences, your life. You don’t have to have a ton of commercial brakes. You can be a normal Joe or Josephine. But someone out there will want to do business with you because they like you or want to be like you. You are going to have something in common or that attracts people to do business with you. It could be sports, gardening, a country you visit or live in, anything.

Sales or Landing Page:

The other thing I recommend is a sales or landing page that is different than the one your company uses that you are a distributor for. Honestly, most of these pages are not organized in any real logical way. They look flashy and cool, but the reality is that these do not separate you from others. People are fickle, and even though you brought them to the website, marketed them, and piqued their interest, they will want to do business with whoever they feel most comfortable with.

Press releases:

Press releases will jump-start your business. A press release is very easy to do, even if it seems very complicated. There are press release services on the internet that will post your press release in the media and on Yahoo and Google news. It is then detected and crawled by search engines, giving you a great placement, without having to worry about search engine optimization. Give PR Web a try as it’s great to work with plus seems to be the best PR service that understands search engines.


Articles are a great way to get your name out there. However, this is not an immediate success. The seekers spider takes a while to get it out. But in about 30 days, your articles will be on the Internet. There are several ways to write articles and distribute them on the Internet. Articles are a key way to gain credibility as an expert in what you’re doing. Whether it is a product or service you are offering or a business opportunity. You need to have approximately 400 to 700 words in the article.


Blogs are becoming very popular and a way for people to gain some credibility on the internet. A blog is really just a journal on a web page. But the good thing about a blog is that you can write whatever you want. Just search for blogging services and you’ll find plenty of places where you can write about your business. Make sure you have your keywords on your blog and make it relevant to what you are doing.

Free places to place your ads:

I know I’m about to enter dangerous territory here. Everyone wants to advertise for free. Low cost and no cost is the way to go. Well, that’s true up to a point. In advertising and really anything in life, you get what you pay for. Use low-cost and no-cost shapes as much as you like, but keep in mind that it should be a supplement to what you’re doing, not the only thing you’re doing.

Google AdWords:

Google AdWords is becoming one of the best places to market. But they can be the most expensive. It all depends on how you do it and your marketing strategy.

To get to the basics of AdWords, when you do a Google search, there is a left side or “organic” side and the right side is the “sponsored links” or AdWords section. The left side of the page is ranked by relevance and number of times you are accessed. Google is in charge of a computer program that very few people know much about. But 80%, if not more, of search engine traffic comes from Google. This is why AdWords can be so effective. Lots of people are looking for information and you can target what your audience is looking for.

Remember, people will buy from YOU. It’s not so much the opportunity or the product. People buy from people they feel they know, like and trust. So when you’re working on your warm market, you can’t look like you’re selling them, you can’t be fake, you can’t be shady. You have to be real, genuine, and you have to show that you care. I hope this material will help you become not only a better salesperson, but also very successful in your business venture. But this will only work if you apply it. Please don’t be one of those people who buys the Real Estate Investing course and it stays on your shelf.

for your success

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