• December 9, 2022

The Humans Call to Freedom

Hu means God and man is the man-I-party of God. Think of it simply that we are all created in the perfect image of God, who is love, making us equal and unique. God breathed life from him into each and every one of us giving us free will to express this life force through this body in our unique loving way.

Because we leave Hu out of the equation, we think of man as the sum total of who we are. Through our forgetfulness we divorce our form from our better half and live only by the law of man (beliefs). We live only half of life, often abandoned and without a sense of belonging.

All beliefs are man-made and therefore limited. Without Hu guiding us, we build a belief system on the foundation of fear and believe that this is the real deal. We can spend a lifetime following and worshiping this false guru always looking for something more outside of ourselves.

When we make the decision to remember and remarry Hu, we become human(e) again. Human means kindness and represents the highest form of communication available to humanity and when integrated it surpasses and becomes the highest form of communication through the kindness of man. Unlike fear, which is about conforming, Hu, which is Natural and very real Spiritual Love, is about transforming so that we experience a real sense, like a sixth sense of Self and a real sense of belonging. Instead of reacting out of fear, we enjoy the inspired action that comes from the loving promptings of our inner spirit. We will no longer feel alone but will savor the real experience of unity.

Hu, or God doesn’t matter, so it doesn’t matter how you call it ‘That’. All that really matters is that when you reclaim the essence of your true Self, you give yourself the best chance to recover from discomfort (whatever form that takes for you) and regain true wellness.

Now, as simple as it sounds, I’m not saying everything is easy. This fearful and false God has been around for a long time and will not give up without a fight. There will be many times when we will forget our way Home and wander back over the bridge onto the beaten path of fear. The temptation will sometimes be so great that we will be unable to resist. During these times, we simply need to be aware of where we are and be careful, until we find the next sign to guide us Home. These signs or messages may come in strange packages, disguised as books, people, or any other shape. Remember to go beyond the cover of the costume and be willing to see the most important message inside.

Remember we are closing the gap with Hu and man and it is about increasing faith and reducing fear until faith is stronger, ‘and’ is no more. Now, as two wills become one, you will find that every other decision you make flows from this healthy and loving Human Being giving you the best chance to flourish, flourish and prosper safely and naturally.

Remember that it is not a change that takes time; it is the decision to change that can take time. When the decision is made, the change process is instantaneous.

The choice is yours. You can break the cycle, if you wish. You can change your mind and fill your consciousness with Real Love and adore your new Self as One with the real God. As you become willing, you will begin to see everything differently. You will see the Good in yourself, in others and in your world.

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