• October 25, 2021

What kind of world do we need?

If you feel, many times, we need a WORLD, where we witness increased cooperation and attempts, for some kind of meeting of minds, for the greater / common good, you are not alone! We have heard lamentations, in various songs / lyrics, including: The world would be a better place; What the world needs now is love, sweet love etc! Shouldn’t we ask ourselves this, sooner rather than later, because there are many problems, including: overcoming this horrible pandemic and other public health problems; address the challenges of climate change effectively; environmental protections; and a better opportunity, so that the necessary world peace, etc., requires, much more, world cooperation, consistently? With this in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. War – free; wiser / wisdom; why; us: The history of this planet contains many incidents of battles and wars, often, however, without a real winner, because any potential benefits rarely exceed the horrors. The current political argument, the discussion about the United States, leaving Afghanistan, seems to avoid, considering, why, we were really there, what was achieved (or not), the costs (in, both, human and economic terms, etc)! Political leaders seem, never to get wisdom, from history, because, wiser actions, they would seek a meeting of minds, instead of resorting to war, etc.!

2. Options; opportunities; open minded: Why don’t nations and political leaders / officials consider viable options and alternatives, with an open mind, and seize the best opportunities, demanding excellence, rather than good – enough and the same – old, same – old? We need and deserve better!

3. Relevant; sensitive; responsable; just: Don’t we need and deserve a greater focus on the right approaches and needs / priorities in a relevant, responsive and responsible way? Why do we allow our political leaders to prioritize their personal / political agenda and / or their own interest, instead of seeking a meeting of minds for the greater good?

Four. Listens; learn; principal: Our world needs leaders who truly lead us in the best directions, etc.! To do so requires individuals, ready, willing, and capable, to listen effectively and learn from every conversation, observation, and experience.

5. Demand; decency; Dreams: Shouldn’t dreams, rights, freedoms and justice be a demand and a basic requirement of every political leader and every citizen? Wouldn’t we all benefit if more decency, too much hatred and bigotry, etc. were replaced?

This WORLD, it should and must become a much better place, if we want to be witnesses, of a more relevant and sustainable planet for future generations, etc. Will it demand something better from political officials?

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