• January 13, 2023

Why protecting against insider threats also protects against workplace violence

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), nearly 2 million employees are victims of workplace violence each year. An even more startling statistic is that between January 2009 and July 2015 there were 133 mass shootings in the workplace. It’s no wonder that workplace violence has become a top safety concern for all employers.

While there is no federal law that prevents violence in the workplace, OSHA requires a company to provide employees with a workplace “free from recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious bodily harm.” This is much easier said than done now that technology has expanded our work environments to locations outside of our physical office buildings. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re seeing an increase in workplace violence, as well as insider threats; After all, when we don’t detect and control insider threats, we’re not only endangering our brand, but also the lives of those who commit them. work with us and for us.

As an employer, you could be held liable for negligent hiring or failing to perform a basic background check. You could also find yourself in trouble for not establishing or implementing a zero-tolerance policy for those who use the workplace, and work-provided tools, such as computers and cell phones, to harm others. This would include threatening, stalking, or harassing anyone inside or outside of the workplace.

Preventing insider threats is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your employees from violence in the workplace. Here are some things you should be doing:

Don’t Skimp on Background Checks

Make sure you have a standard recruitment policy that includes what checks need to be done for each position, as well as what information you need to collect, such as past employment and criminal background checks. Always look for inconsistencies between the information and the documents and address the problem immediately. I also recommend expanding your background check policies to include a repeat check, just because an employee has a clean record on the first day of their employment means the record will stay clean.

Monitor employees’ online actions

If you don’t currently have a system for monitoring employee online actions, you need to create one. This type of system will allow you to discover suspicious actions before they become more serious. Monitor your employees online and always check with your legal team.

Have an employee exit plan

As soon as an employee has left the company, be sure to not only collect any technology they’ve been using, but also immediately ban access to servers, networks, and content, even if it means disabling accounts immediately.

Businesses need to prepare for workplace violence the same way they prepare for insider threats: by taking steps to prevent these situations from occurring. A little planning can go a long way in keeping your business safe.

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