• March 8, 2023

Design of natural treatments for oral yeast infection

The symptoms of oral thrush, also called oral thrush, can be agonizing, frustrating, and embarrassing, including white lesions and scales from the tongue down the throat, red, raw skin in and around the mouth, and a bad taste in your mouth are the worst. Fortunately, there are many natural herbal treatments to treat oral thrush, all of which have been proven in clinical trials and anecdotal evidence to relieve symptoms, cure the infection, and keep it away.

Nutritional Supplementation

Most mild to moderate oral yeast infections respond to little or no treatment and often resolve on their own through the body’s natural immune system. However, it helps to speed up the process by taking nutritional supplements.

These may include tablets with acidophilus and bifid bacteria that restore the natural balance between “good bacteria” and “bad yeast” in thrush infections. Additionally, these bacteria cleanse the intestines of toxins that make it difficult for Candida fungi to grow out of proportion and cause oral thrush.

Of course, if you don’t like the tablets, drinking more yogurt is the solution. Gargling with plain unsweetened yogurt is also a good idea to allow the good bacteria it contains to kill off excess yeast in your mouth. Just hold the yogurt in your mouth for about 5 minutes, spit it out, and then rinse well.

drinking teas

There are many herbal teas that can cure oral thrush as well as contribute significantly to an individual’s general well-being, the most notable of which are chamomile tea and pau d’arco tea.

When taken before or after eating, chamomile tea stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach. HCL keeps the stomach healthy by preventing orally ingested pathogens such as bacteria and parasites from invading the body and prevents fungal overgrowth in the small intestine. Thus, chamomile tea eliminates excess fungus in the body and maintains fungus at normal levels which, in turn, cures and prevents recurrence of oral thrush. On the other hand, pau d’arco tea resists fungal growth. This makes it ideal as a fungicide, especially when taken in 2-3 cups a day.

topical applications

Where nutritional supplements and teas are oral medications meant to penetrate the body at the cellular level, topical applications basically aim to treat oral thrush directly to the affected area. It is no less effective simply because the infection receives direct attention, which often means that the painful symptoms are almost immediately relieved as well.

Topical applications include goldenseal poultice; tea tree oil wash or grapefruit seed extract which can be made by combining 5 drops in 1/2 cup of cooled boiled water and used to wash the mouth with a cotton swab; and vinegar or baking soda wash where you add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar/baking soda to 1 cup of water and use with a cotton swab in your mouth as well.

It cannot be overemphasized that natural treatments for oral thrush can only be effective when proper care and precaution are exercised. But ultimately, natural treatments are still the best due to their healing efficacy and cost effectiveness.

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